Sunday Pitching

Wondering which section of the Sunday paper to target with your pitch? Depends on the consumer you're trying to reach, according to a study sponsored by Parade. Researchers
at Harris Interactive and Yankelovich interviewed 1,005 adults and defined five unique species of Sunday readers:

Believers designate Sunday for faith and community activities. They
look to the paper for community listings, opinion pages, recipes and food tips.

Rechargers are high-income readers who see Sunday as a day of rest and
spend time perusing the arts and culture sections, as well as the Sunday magazine.

Overwhelmeds have lower incomes and busy schedules and often look to
resources like coupons and inserts.

Traditionalists save Sunday for family and religion. Health, retirement
and social stories are their best bets.

Explorers use the paper to plan purchases and read sections like business,
lifestyle/leisure, book reviews and community events.

(Parade: Liz Manigan, [email protected])