6 Building Blocks for an Unbreakable SEO Strategy

In today’s digitally focused world there are few things more important for PR than SEO. Even if your content provides a compelling and easy to understand answer to a user’s question, no one is going to dig through pages and pages of Google results just to find it. If you brand’s website and content can’t be found within the first few results, it may not deserve to be found. However, if you’re doing everything right and publishing informative and relevant content online and still not ranking well, then you just might need to refine your SEO strategy.

Securing that coveted top ranking in search results requires equal parts art and science. Search companies are constantly changing and updating their algorithms, and recently they’ve been favoring quality content over quantity of content and keyword stuffing. To rank well your content has to first be good, and then be optimized.

Become your organization's resident SEO wizard by attending PR News' SEO Strategies That Will Help Your Message Find the Right Audience webinar on Aug. 23 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. EST. At this webinar you'll learn the tricks of the trade from SEO masters at organizations such as Cisco, Square and CareerBuilder.com.

Catherine Page, webmaster and SEO producer, Rigid Industries, has these six tips for communicators looking to tighten up their SEO strategy and consistently rank in the top spots on Google.

  • Maintain relevant and meaningful content.
  • Perform periodic audits on your sites, making sure to identify and eliminate any existing unnatural inbound links.
  • Google will be looking for companies that have robust content marketing strategies. These are the type of companies Google will want to support. To ensure your business is well rounded in this effort, make sure your website has regular and helpful content that pertains to your niche market and that has social signals from regular social network sharing and engagements.
  • Make sure your site is consistently updated. Fresh content tells Google that your site is active and not stagnant.
  • Social media diversification is a must. Today being part of one or two different social media platforms is not enough. The more sites you utilize, the more robust your reach will become.
  • Optimize your mobile game plan. Your site’s mobile performance dramatically matters to your SEO rankings.

Follow Mark: @MarkRenfree