Putting Teens to Work

While working with teen volunteers can be both an enjoyable and enriching marketing experience, adults should be prepared for rejection and several reality checks.

Here are a few teen marketing dos and don'ts to consider when establishing the ground rules for consulting with teens on campaign development:


  • Establish terms of teen involvement early on. Will they help to plan and promote campaign messages or just appear in advertising efforts?
  • Recruit youth involvement from multiple community resources like schools, recreation centers and movie theaters.
  • Show that you respect teen opinions and ideas by using them to shape campaign direction and themes.


  • Develop messages that are too preachy or judgmental. Teens do not respond to this marketing approach.
  • Allow the advertising agency to overrule teen ideas and marketing approaches.
  • Create a marketing environment that patronizes teens. Instead treat them as professionals by setting up internships, advisory boards and opportunities for ongoing input.