PR Pulse: A Tater With Triceps

The trend of using retro celebrities for branding and promotion continues, this time to promote good health and nutrition. The U.S. Potato Board (USPB) recently named
its new celebrity spokesperson. Actually, make that celebrity spokespotato: Mr. Potato Head. Yes, the beloved staple of childhood playtime was tapped to realign the popular
image of the spud in today's health-challenged society (where "couch potato" is the ultimate slacker epithet and super-sized fries have become a prime artery antagonist). But
don't expect to see your father's Mr. Potato Head in the spotlight. Instead, the branding on this promotion will emphasize a streamlined Healthy Mr. Potato Head, a gym denizen
who makes the scene wearing a jaunty baseball cap, funky-stylish running shoes, a water bottle, and a portable MP3 player strapped to his visibly muscular arms. He even has his
own can-do slogan: "Potato Power!" The USPB believes the presence of this hottie potato on their team will help emphasize the nutritional value of potatoes in today's diet.