PR Pulse

In the time it takes you to read this item, our guess is that
another few dozen blogs or so have hit the Web. Blogs - or online
diaries - aren't going away, and their clout only will increase as
the internet expands. That's the lowdown from last month's New
Communications Forum
in Napa, Calif., which was produced by PR
firm Albrycht McClure & Partners (Emeryville,

The overwhelming majority of media, marketing and PR pros
attending the powwow said blogs are not some online fad, and they
shared ideas about how to embrace blogs and other new
communications tools. Contact: Jennifer McClure, [email protected]

The Blogosphere (so far):

  • 34 million blogs worldwide
  • 32 million blog readers
  • 5% of Internet users using RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
  • 400,000 posts per day
  • 16,000 posts per hour

Source: Andy Lark/