PR News Pop Quiz: Are You a Legal Eagle?

With social media front and center in PR, are you staying ahead of the curve when it comes to legal issues and the Internet? Michael Lasky and Gary Kibel, partners at the NYC communications and new media law firm of Davis & Gilbert, LLP, put you to the test in this PR News Pop Quiz.

1. May a business create a Facebook profile?

2. Can I use the Twitter bird to advertise my own tweets?

3. Is a company liable for what their employees do on a social networking site?

4. Your colleague in the U.K. reported a privacy violation to their Information Commissioner’s Office. What is the equivalent regulatory body in the United States?

5. A video in which you own the copyright has been uploaded to YouTube without authorization. Can you hold YouTube liable?



Michael Lasky, [email protected]; Gary Kibel, [email protected]

Send your Pop Quiz ideas to: Scott Van Camp at [email protected].