PR and Marketing Agency Executives

This section provides salary information for healthcare PR and marketing agency executives located in large and small cities nationwide. This information is also gleaned from HPRMN's sister publication, PR NEWS' 1998 Salary Survey, and Marshall Consultants' national database.

Healthcare Public Relations Agency

(Salary Ranges by Title, Location and Client Industries)
POSITION N.Y.C LA / SF Lg City Sm City
PRESIDENT/CEO $247,000 $225,500 $220,000 $132,000
EXEC. VP/ SR. V.P. $181,500 $148,500 $137,500 $ 99,000
V.P./GROUP DIR. $110,000 $106,700 $104,500 $ 85,800
ACCT. SUPERV./ ACCT. MGR. $88,000 $79,400 $73,000 $61,600
SR. ACCOUNT EXEC. $61,600 $55,000 $55,000 $47,300
ACCOUNT EXEC. $50,600 $39,600 $38,500 $31,900
Healthcare Advertising Agency Executives

(Salary Ranges by Title, Location and Client Industries)
POSITION N.Y.C LA / SF Lg City Sm City
PRESIDENT/CEO $319,200 $308,000 $274,400 $145,600
EVP-CREATIVE DIR. $190,400 $168,000 $162,400 $117,600
V.P.-MEDIA DIRECTOR $140,000 $123,200 $112,000 $86,240
CHIEF COPYWRITER $140,000 $117,600 $112,000 $84,000
V.P.- ART DIRECTOR $128,800 $117,600 $106,400 $75,040
(SR) ACCOUNT EXEC. $170,240 $145,600 $134,400 $89,600

Large companies: sales above $2 billion Large city: more than 1 million population

Mid-size companies: sales between $400 million and $2 billion
Small city: less than 1 million

Small companies: sales less than $400 million