Oh Mentor Where Art Thou?

Every successful PR career is strewn with lots of connections, present and past. But sometimes upstart PR pros don't press the flesh like they should--and even write off former
employers. "I'm constantly astounded by the way people burn bridges without giving it any thought," says Steve Schwartz, president of Boston-based Schwartz Communications. To
encourage goodwill to his dearly and recently departed, Schwartz runs an "alumni association." He invites former employees to company functions and sometimes re-hires them (he
calls these hires "boomerangs.") You never know how professional karma works, he says, and someone from the past could play a key role in your future success.

(Steve Schwartz, 781/684-0770)

(Contacts: Don Spetner, 310/843-4176; Bill Novelli 202/973-5800; Robert Rota, 972/448-8730; Starr McCaffery, 312/240-2618; Steve Schwartz, 781/684-0770; Melissa London,
919/547-0012, ext. 226; Lisa Ryan, 212/784-2705; Judy Cushman, 425/392-8660, Justin Meyer, 212/628-8400.)