Media Relations: TKG’s Atypical Tactic

The Kamber Group promotes the "unusual" to attract media attention for clients.

Robb Rice, VP/director of Public Affairs for TKG, says finding the extraordinary is a tactic that he utilizes when trying to pitch media outlets.

Most recently, TKG gained national coverage for its client, Erickson Aircrane, when the company lifted an observatory dome with its orange helicopter.

"That is definitely something you don't see every day," says Rice.

TKG has been very successful in promoting Erickson's fire fighting ability and was subsequently retained by Erickson to promote a new division of the company -heavy-life construction.

Erickson wanted more name recognition for the division and media coverage when it lifted six seven-ton, 28-foot-high observatory domes. Rice began his "aggressive media advisory" that garnered him air time in 21 cities nationwide on ABC and NBC affiliates. Rice gave us his version on pitching 101:

  • Establish credibility. There's a lot of turnover in the media, unlike years ago when one reporter handled a beat for years and years. You must establish your credibility to the news organization;
  • Don't ever use "puffery." PR pros must be well-informed to pass on information to journalists;
  • Take advantage of unusual situations. Ordinary stories don't make news; and
  • Be prepared for reporters' follow-up questions and help them with facts and figures throughout the writing process.

(TKG, 213/486-6501)