MEDIA INSIGHT: Wall Street Journal

200 Liberty Street

New York, N.Y. 10281-1003

Phone: 212/416-2000

Editor's Note: Here's a daily dose of good news: Even though most PR practitioners might think it's ivory-tower journalism when it comes to The Wall Street Journal, we've learned you can penetrate the fortress. But hitting the right editor at the right time on the right day is key!

Sections Editors Days to Contact/

Days to Avoid
Methods Comments
National News:

Investment stories run in this section of the Journal. Expect most pieces to be filled with stock-market jargon and the like.
Editor: Bill Powers,

Phone: 212/416-3182,

fax: 212/416-2658
Try a PR pitch between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday through Friday. Powers is usually on a daily deadline from 3 to 7 p.m. A PR plug can be made by fax, phone or mail but a fax is this editor's preference. E-mail isn't a good choice because Powers doesn't check messages on a regular basis. Powers is the prototype for how PR professionals pray all editors should be: Accessible and exacting. And he expects the same in return from those suggesting stories. He says he's "always polite" to whomever calls - so, the ball's in your court.
Technology, Health & Science Editor: Dennis Neale,

Phone: 212/416-3153,

Fax: 212/416-2653
Contact Neale around 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Afternoons are the worst times to strike up a conversation since he's on deadline. Friday's the best day since he's planning for the next week. Neale says "no e-mail -ever, ever, ever!" So, heed his advice and try a fax or regular mail. You can also try calling but it will probably be close to impossible to get Neale and not his voicemail. Here's a fitting example of how getting Neale at the right time is crucial: Ironically, we reached him during deadline and got a taste of how little attention you'll receive if you reach an editor under pressure.
Leisure & Arts

Coverage includes art, film, TV, sports, music and theater. The paper's cultural calendar also runs in this section.
Assistant Editor: Taylor Holiday, Phone: 212/416-2623, Fax: 212/416-2658 The ideal time to reach Taylor is Thursday or Friday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Taylor - like so many editors and producers we've come across -prefers faxes. Calls are fine, but make them brief. When it comes to establishing a rapport with Taylor, professional diligence makes all the difference. Keep calls short, make sure faxes are timely and send one-of-a-kind, not generic, releases. Taylor reads all of her mail and also doesn't mind follow-up calls.