Media Insight: InvestmentNews
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If you want a good idea of what to pitch InvestmentNews, talk to your financial planner. The Crain weekly publication was launched following a surge of investment advisors in
the 1990s and serves that community faithfully. The typical InvestmentNews reader is 46 years old with a household income of $191,000 and nearly 15 years of industry experience.
The pub's 180,000 readers personally advise an average of 199 clients each, and their firms serve an average of more than 500 clients each.

However, before the pitching begins, Editorial Director Michael Clowes notes a difference between IN and other competitors: "We're not a how-to publication. We're a news


Although editors are given their titles based on the regions they cover, they aren't bound by those regions. Beats are also based on topics. For example, the Chicago reporter
covers banks, Washington, D.C. reporter Sara Hansard covers regulations and New York reporter Bruce Kelly covers independent broker dealers all over the country. All news is
game, Clowes says, but it must help the financial planner understand what's going on in terms of how it will affect clients.

Don't go abroad with a pitch about an obscure Swiss bank that doesn't have a branch in the United States. The magazine is only national "at this stage," the editor says.
Reporters are responsible for most of their own stories.

Pitch Tips

E-mail pitches are most welcome, in fact, reporters may be emailed through a link on the InvestmentNews Web page. Mail is also okay, but faxed press releases are pretty
unlikely to get noticed.


Clowes says the most important thing PR people need to do before pitching a story to InvestmentNews is read the publication and understand what editors are trying to do for the
100,000-plus financial planners in North America. That means human-interest profiles are out.

"People want us to profile a particular money manager and we're only interested in news and news features, but mostly news that will help a financial advisor meet the needs of
his clients," Clowes says. "If someone really has a unique product that would be of interest to a planner's clients, we would be interested in it. We also have interest in people
with unique perspectives on what's happening in the financial markets, but they're few and far between."

In The Pipeline

Many topics in the 2002 calendar center around major investment conferences - and are tied in with bonus shipments.

Here are a few so far. The Web site - - has a more complete listing:

  • Jan. 28, 2002 - Largest Independent Broker Dealer
  • Feb. 4, 2002 - Largest Variable Annuity companies
  • March 11, 2002 - AdMax Advertising Effectiveness Study
  • April 8, 2002 - Largest Separate Account Managers