Media Insight

The Rick Emerson Show and Healthypeople

Unless you're in the Portland, Ore., market, you may not have heard of The Rick Emerson Show, soon however, if the folks at NBG Radio Network have their way you will. The "hot talk" radio format is going national beginning May 10. The topic-driven call-in talk show takes on whatever the hot issue of the day is. For PR pros, this is a unique opportunity to present issues-driven pitches that would appeal to the show's young, hip demographic. Although the show's personality doesn't reach the crude limits of a Howard Stern or the conservative political bent of a Rush Limbaugh, it does venture into controversial territory, particularly where relationships and current events are concerned.

SECTIONS: Rick Emerson Show

The show is in transition with staff. No producer has been hired yet and operations will soon be moving to new digs.

Current producer Bruce Agler suggests e-mailing pitches directly to Rick for now. Don't be shy about the topic. As long as it's appealing to a youthful audience, the show wants to hear about it. Lifestyle and entertainment issues are the hottest priority.


DJ Rick Emerson

e-mail: [email protected]

NBG Radio Network

520 Southwest 6th Ave. Suite 750

Portland, Ore. 97204

METHODS: During the show's transition, e-mail or mail your pitches.

COMMENTS: Topics on this show run the gamut of sex, watercooler talk, current events and overall lifestyle issues.

The national format will have an entertainment/relationship bent.

At this point, the show isn't interested in featuring guests unless the person is super timely and popular with the audience. Otherwise, books, music and film get heavy coverage.

The explosion of new health-oriented radio and TV talk shows is driving an exciting demand for articulate health experts and providing unique exposure to local and national audiences. Healthypeople is a new Cleveland radio show where health experts who have something to say about the mind, body, soul and fitness have a shot at sharing their views and educating listeners. The talk show on WERE 1300 AM is hosted by Helene Berk, a licensed nutritionist and author of "Metabolicmakeover." The one-hour program airs every Tuesday and Thursday (3-4 p.m. EST) and tackles a vast array of topics from healthy cooking to preventive health. It provides a forum for representatives from healthcare associations, authors and healthcare specialists to promote books, studies, healthcare services and disease management programs.

SECTIONS: Healthy People

Although the show is local, health experts don't have to be. Guests can call in and contribute to the lively topics that cover a vast health arena - mind, body, soul and fitness. In other words, if your program involves a healthy approach to living, Berk wants to hear about it.


Producer Helene Berk

Phone: 216/381-8363

Fax: 216/381-5050

email: [email protected]

METHODS: Faxing or e-mailing your pitches is best.

COMMENTS: Although there is tremendous flexibility in the topics this show covers, there is an immediate need for story ideas that aren't covered much by mainstream media, like emerging alternative therapies and nouveau nutrition. There are also affordable sponsorship opportunities, starting at $33 per 30-second commercial. (There are 14 minutes of advertising allowed for the one-hour show.)