Media Insight

Healthypeople Radio/Inside Fitness TV

The explosion of new health-oriented radio and TV talk shows is driving an exciting demand for articulate health experts and providing unique exposure to local and national audiences. HPRMN profiles two programs that have recently hit the talk show scene: Healthypeople, a new Cleveland radio show and Inside Fitness with Bonnie Kaye, a weekly TV talk show that airs on 165 CBS affiliates nationwide.

Healthypeople: Health experts that have something to say about the mind, body, soul and fitness will have a shot at sharing their views and educating listeners on this new Cleveland radio talk show (WERE 1300 AM), hosted and founded by Helene Berk, a licensed nutritionist and author of "Metabolicmakeover." The one-hour radio show, which airs every Tuesday and Thursday (3:00-4:00 p.m. EST), tackles a vast array of topics from healthy cooking to preventive health. It provides a forum for representatives from healthcare associations, authors and healthcare specialists to promote books, studies, healthcare services and disease management programs.

Inside Fitness with Bonnie Kaye: This fitness-focused show also focuses on mind, body and spirit but the emphasis is on providing viewers with "achievable" health regimens. Host Bonnie Kaye, who also contributes to Fitness magazine, tackles topics like yoga, aerobics and "best video bets."



Although the show is local, health experts don't have to be. Guests can call in and contribute to the lively topics that cover a vast health arena - mind, body, soul and fitness. In other words, if your program involves a healthy approach to living, Berk wants to hear about it.


PR Pitches:


Helene Berk

Phone: 216/381-8363

Fax: 216/381-5050

email: [email protected]


Faxing or emailing your pitches is best.


Although there is tremendous flexibility in the topics this show covers, there is an immediate need for story ideas that aren't covered much by mainstream media, like emerging alternative therapies and nouveau nutrition. There are also affordable sponsorhip opportunities, starting at $33 per :30 second commercial. (There are 14 minutes of advertising allowed for the one-hour show.)


Inside Fitness

If you have a client with exciting advice, tips and approaches to achievable fitness and health routines this show wants to know about it.


Fitness Director

Nicole Dorsey

375 Lexington Ave.

New York, NY 10017


Although snail mail doesn't offer the most immediate gratification, it's what this crew prefers.


This show is ideal for promoting books, videos and various health/fitness routines. And if you've had success pitching the magazine, the show culls many of its ideas from it, including yoga and aerobics.