Lack of Localization Impedes Communications Campaigns

Going Local Stumps Communicators: Localization is becoming increasingly vital to business success but few communicators are set up to achieve this aim, according to a new report. 

The report, from the CMO Council, a global network of chief marketers, found that 59% of the 296 executives it surveyed believed that local marketing efforts were essential to driving growth and profits. However, just 7% said they already had effective campaigns in place. Other study highlights include:

  • A common failing was the interval between the launch of a national campaign and its local rollout. Thirty percent of marketers reported delays of 30 days or more.

  • Just 3% were able to execute a campaign immediately, while 6% could do so within one to three days.

  • Among the issues the report identified were a lack of bandwidth and resources. Just 6% of respondents were able to use automated solutions that could be accessed by all local markets. PRN

Source: CMO Council

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