How’d You Get That?

How to get impressive ink for a restaurant opening a few blocks from the White House - without a special appearance by the commander-in-chief himself? In 2000, Joan Hisaoka, of
the eponymous Washington, DC, public relations firm, was faced with how to establish a brand new "power lunch" steakhouse in a city already known for spots like Morton's and The

Hisaoka solved the problem by calling in America's most popular fictional White House.

Martin Sheen, aka President Bartlett; Rob Lowe, aka Sam Seaborn; and other stars from TV's "The West Wing" joined forces with former members of Congress to mark the debut of
Bobby Van's Steakhouse.

Hisaoka and team auctioned off original "West Wing" scripts and lunches with hot stars from the show (who are often in town for location shoots) during the grand opening event.
Press coverage included The Washingtonian, The Washington Times, The Nation's Restaurant News and - best of all - a major piece in Roll Call, Capitol Hill's signature pub. Bobby
Van's Steakhouse has been the spot for DC power-lunchers (Hollywood and otherwise) ever since.

The event not only drew press for the restaurant, it drew accolades for Hisaoka PR - the team was recognized at the Golden Bell Hospitality/Travel PR Awards in New York last
week. (Hisaoka, 202/466-6286,

-Reported by Mike Smith, president, Upstart Vision, 703/742-6482, [email protected]