Media Relations

girl on phone working at laptop

PR Pros Adapt Pitching and Messaging Frequency to Pandemic

April 15th, 2020 by

One of the top questions on PR pros’ minds is how often they should be pitching to the media. In the middle of the pandemic, when the public is hungry for the latest COVID-19 information, communicators, particularly those whose field is unrelated to healthcare or finance, may feel unsure. PR pros we interviewed advised returning to media relations’ basics, mixed with empathy and patience.

Sentiment Roundup: Consumers Appear Hopeful; Interest Groups Make Waves on Social

April 15th, 2020 by

In the second week of its COVID-19 consumer survey effort, the Ad Council’s survey shows consumers are feeling hopeful despite troubling statistics from global and local health authorities.

World Leaders Respond to WHO Defunding Announcement

April 15th, 2020 by

On April 14, President Trump announced he would be cutting funding to the World Health Organization for not doing enough to address the virus in the early days of the outbreak.

Conflict of Information Nation (Continued)

April 14th, 2020 by

Contrasting messages were in evidence again today.

The New Normal Has Its Ups and Downs

April 14th, 2020 by

Although you may cringe the next time you see or hear the phrase “the new normal,” it’s part of the communicator’s job to keep tabs on trends.

ESPN, Saturday Night Live, Diddy Use Technology to Entertain

April 13th, 2020 by

Entertainers need to entertain, and thankfully for a country where the majority are cooped up at home, the diversion is welcome.

Conflict of Information Nation

April 13th, 2020 by

In a crisis, it’s important to have a unified distribution method for essential information.

Communicators May Need to Clean Up Narratives Once Pandemic Subsides

April 10th, 2020 by

At the moment, though, with millions of Americans jobless, it seems Amazon and other companies can afford to discard standard PR guidance.

Netflix Joins Instagram to Support Self Care and Mental Health for Gen Z/Millennial Audience

April 9th, 2020 by

The messages a brand distributes about self care are important, of course. How it distributes them can be just as, if not more, important.

Sen. Loeffler Offers Non-Apology Apology to Explain Financial Missteps

April 9th, 2020 by

When you get caught on the wrong side of the law, especially for financial gain, and particularly during the pandemic, you need to provide an apology for your actions.