
January 25-26, 1999

"The 1999 Strategic Outsourcing Conference: Optimizing the Value of Outsourcing," The Conference Board, Sheraton Torrey Pines, La Jolla, Calif., register online at

January 26-27

"Implementing the Balanaced Scorecard in Corporate Organizations," Quality Alert Institute, Dallas, 800/221-2114.

February 3-4

"The DMA 9th Annual Non-Profit Washington Conference," Direct Marketing Association, Renaissance Hotel, Washington, D.C., 212/302-7643.

February 22, 1999

"Strategic Communications for the Year 2000 Crisis," PR News & APCO, Capital Hilton, Washington, D.C., 888-707-5814 or visit our Web site:

March 2-3, 1999

"The 1999 Business Innovation Conference," The Conference Board and Arthur D. Little, New York Hilton & Towers, New York, 212/339-0345.

March 25-26

"The Internal Service Providers' Conference," The Conference Board, Ritz Carlton, Marina del Rey, Calif., 212/339-0345.

April 6-9

"Applied Research Methods," American Marketing Association, San Francisco, 800/AMA-1150