Annual Report

Company: FEMSA and Curran & Connors

Campaign: FEMSA 2005 Annual Report

FEMSA's annual report starts out by stating that "in every game there is an innovator, a leader whose vision, style and skill change the way the game is played." The company's

annual report, created by Curran & Connors, took several pages from the FEMSA playbook to create an annual report that is dynamic, compelling and informative. Full-page,

vibrant photos draw readers into the lifestyles of consumers who patronize the FEMSA brands, while sections on financial highlights, the marketplace, business model, brands,

sustainable development, corporate governance and plans for expansion tell an impressive tale of a company reaching for greatness.

An opening letter to the shareholders provides the highlights of the financial year and the company's growth initiatives, while driving home the point that the company's

success rests on an integrated beverage strategy, as well as its ongoing efforts to further a vision of responsible leadership for the Latin American beverage industry. The letter

draws on images of FEMSA's social responsibility, affirming that its growth is guided by such "time-tested values" as "respect for human dignity, passion for service, quality and

innovation, honesty, integrity and austerity."

Honorable Mentions

iPR Ogilvy Limited - Li Ning Company Limited Annual Report 2005 "Making Great Strides" is an apt theme for Li Ning Company's annual report 2005. This leading sporting goods

enterprise fostered valuable strategic alliances, garnered awards and celebrated its 15th anniversary in 2005. The report uses dynamic sports imagery to chart the company's

successful efforts to leap hurdles, year over year. The bi-lingual report, which uses English for one half and Chinese for the other, draws readers in to explore its findings.

International Fund for Animal Welfare - IFAW At first glance, it isn't apparent why this report is called "Charting the Course of Animal Welfare" with an image of a sailing

yacht. Then, you notice the IFAW logo on the mainsail of the "Song of the Whale," an education and research vessel. Inside, the company's touchstones of solutions, compassion,

pragmatism, sustainability and stewardship are superimposed on full-page photos of various animals. The high-impact message of the group's successful efforts to protect the

globe's wildlife is effortlessly delivered.

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation - Conveying the Emotion of a Global AIDS Foundation Through its Annual Report This report conveys the strong emotional impact of its

subject, starting with a cover depicting the faces of four smiling children seen close-up, overlaid with the message: "'Together' Because Every Child Deserves a Lifetime." The

compassion carries throughout the 52-page, four-color booklet, which also subtly reminds readers of children with its petite dimensions. The overall message of hope and

determination informs this impressive piece.