Infographic: 5 Tips for Young PR Pros

It's never easy breaking into the job market, but overcoming that initial obstacle is only the beginning. After years of schooling and internships, those who have finally found a home in PR have no doubt already discovered that the discipline has no room for complacency.

The field of communications is hardly a static entity. Many veteran PR pros are a physical embodiment of the various changes that the discipline has experienced over the years, and many have witnessed industry revolutions firsthand.

Veteran communicators are already comfortable navigating the ebbs and flows of a dynamic career like PR. That’s why it’s so important for young PR pros to stay on the cutting edge of the industry; not only to best serve their companies and clients, but also to secure a long and fruitful career in communications.

To give the younger generation of communicators a leg up, here are five tips from Meritus Media that every burgeoning PR pro should keep in mind.



Follow Mark: @MarkRenfree