The Top Places to Work in PR: Agency—CJP Communications

CJP Communications is “100% entrepreneurial,” says one staffer, noting that the employees collectively refer to themselves as “an army of entrepreneurs.” Supported by its “Commission for Life” program, which rewards employees who introduce new business to the company, each individual at CJP Communications is given “a personal stake in the company’s growth.”

The internal culture—“clever, witty and quick, through and through”—is also one that encourages employee-driven innovations, both internally and externally. Its newest division, CJP Digital, is evidence of this. Complete with a robust microsite, it’s part of the firm’s goal to provide clients with “new model marketing services,” including digital marketing, branding, press and influencer relations and social media strategy development.

“If you’ve got a great idea, senior management is open to hearing your thoughts, so it’s easy to start something new,” says one staffer. “Our new media group started with a plan, and now it’s one of the most successful groups at the company.”

CJP Communications then walks the walk and talks the talk by being active online in its own right, hosting dedicated CJP LinkedIn and Facebook groups, a YouTube channel and Twitter feed.

The culture also emanates a “work hard, play hard” mentality that translates outside the office. Employees take advantage of the firm’s regular happy hours and networking sessions. There is also an active group of volunteers who work with nonprofits including Partnership for the Homeless and Second Harvest.

All told, says one employee, “Our people are incredibly creative and have great ideas, which we translate into products that have set CJP Communications apart from other agencies.” PRN