PR, Marketing Red Over Green?

Is there a power struggle between PR and marketing on green initiatives? According to a survey on green marketing sponsored by Environmental Leader, there’s a control issue at stake between PR and marketing over green campaigns. “Green Marketing: What Works & What Doesn’t” reveals that while 50% of marketers indicate they have complete or consultative control of green marketing, 57% of PR practitioners say that have control of sustainability programs. Sales and operations, on the other hand, are skeptical that marketers have so much control of sustainability programs, with just 41% and 21%, respectively, saying control lies in the hands of marketers. Other findings include:

• 82% of the 370 marketing executives polled say they planned to use more green messaging in their marketing;

• 28% of respondents say they thought green marketing was more effective than other marketing messages, compared to just 6% who see it as less effective;

• 74% say they are conducting green marketing messages on the Internet, which proved the most popular medium. About half are using print and another 40% are relying on direct mail, among other methods; and,

• Companies with smaller marketing budgets tend to spend more on green marketing. Firms with a marketing budget of under $250,000 spend just over 26% on green marketing, while those with budgets of more than $50 million spend 6% on green marketing.

Source: Environmental Leader