Member Communications

Campaign: Appraisal Institute Recruitment Campaign

Winner: Ogilvy PR Worldwide and Appraisal Institute

In the past few years, the membership of the Appraisal Institute has been getting older, with 50% of members being over 50 years old and more than 46% retiring within the next

15 years. Coupled with high attrition rates and a series of unsuccessful in-house recruitment efforts, the Institute faced a challenge, so it partnered with Ogilvy Public

Relations Worldwide to design and implement a recruitment program that would achieve results that its prior campaigns had not.

Beefing Up the Numbers

In 2008, the Institute set a new membership goal of 5,100. Though this was an ambitious number, the Institute wanted to send a message about the importance of the initiative.

Conducting research with both current and former members, Ogilvy sought to better understand what motivated real estate appraisers to join and continue their membership, and

what reasons they gave for allowing membership to lapse.

Ogilvy's fundamental strategy was to position membership in the Appraisal Institute as both a benefit and a competitive advantage. The Ogilvy team focused recruitment efforts

initially on the audiences they believed would provide the greatest results. First, they targeted former members because research showed they could be persuaded to rejoin; and

second, they cultivated nonmembers who were familiar with the Institute because they had taken a course or had expressed interest in professional development. In addition, the

team targeted younger professionals looking to advance their careers.

Mission Accomplished:

From Jan. 1-Aug. 31, 2008, 2,780 new members joined the Appraisal Institute. Membership growth in 2008 is 62.3% ahead of the 2007 pace. Total year-to-date membership is 25,384,

up by 3,059 over year-end in 2007.

Honorable Mentions

National Biodiesel Board for Annual Report--To better foster its relationship with new and unfamiliar members, the National Biodiesel Board initiated a member outreach program

that culminated in the creation of an annual report. The result: Member retention has been strong and funding has shown a $3.2 million increase.

Rotary International for Humanity in Motion IV--To help increase awareness about Rotary International, the organization launched Humanity in Motion IV. Thanks to its online

materials as well as its radio, print and outdoor ads, Rotary received wide media coverage.