Annual Report

Winner: Jenner & Block LLP

Campaign: 2007 Highlights and The Heart of the Matter--2007 Pro Bono and Community Service Report

A leader in pro bono service and national litigation, Jenner & Block wanted to make its two annual reports, Highlights and Heart of the Matter,

complementary companion pieces that would reinforce the firm's commitment to high-caliber client service, while targeting a readership comprised of Fortune 500 counsel, law

student recruits, potential hires and employees. Other objectives were documenting and supporting the firm's business development, legal recruiting activities and strategic

alliances with bar associations and interest groups.

Leveraging Content In-House

The firm's marketing department was tasked with assembling the content and creating the layout for both publications. The bulk of the editorial for both reports had been

previously edited; the content, which had been partner-approved, was culled from the firm's Web site.

To help things run in a smooth and fluid fashion, the team, comprised of the firm's marketing department, fashioned an organizational process by which that content, including

photography, from the Web site was catalogued and edited into an acceptable format and then prepared for layout.

Although the marketing department consulted with an outside designer on an internal pages template, cover design and print production, the majority of the layout was done in-


High-Profile Dissemination

To highlight Jenner & Block's leadership in the community, the team opted for high-profile distribution channels for both Highlights and Heart of the Matter.

Whether it was displaying the reports at the InsideCounsel SuperConference, a two-day conference that attracts hundreds of attendees, or sending it to the firm's 1,300-plus alumni

and top law schools, the publications helped position Jenner & Block as a thought leader in the profession.