Net News

  • Customer reps may help close online deals, a new survey finds. NFO's survey of 2,321 online shoppers revealed that nearly 35 percent said they would buy more products online if they could interact with a customer-service representative during their virtual shopping trips. Conclusions underscore that while it is impossible to measure the power of the Internet's commercial allure, the e-commerce trade still hinges on personal interaction. (NFO, 212/687-8999)
  • Give us our daily bread or HTML? Most Americans are using the Internet at home at least daily, according to The Strategis Group study which proves cyber domain names are becoming a staple for 37 million queried users. The number of those logging on to URLs at least daily has nearly doubled, from 19 million in mid-1997 to 37 million this year. (The Strategis Group, 202/530-7500)