Kids’ ‘Entertaining’ Talk

â–¶ Teens Talk Media and Entertainment: The Keller Fay Group finds from analyzing data from more than 3,600 panelists in the 13-17-year-old bracket that 74% talk about the media and entertainment category, 18% ahead of the entire population. Other findings include:

• 61% of the younger demographic mentions food and dining brands, compared with 56% of the wider sample.

• 60% of the teen demographic discusses technology offerings, compared with 39% of the population sampled.

• 57% of teens talk about beverages, 56% about retail and apparel, 49% about automotive and 38% concerning personal care and beauty.

Coca-Cola, Apple and Verizon led the list, in that order, of products cited by name among this audience. Ford, Pepsi, McDonald’s, AT&T, Sony and Nike completed the top 10.

Source: Keller Fay Group