Exploring Organizational Relevancy 

What makes an organization relevant? In the first in a series of studies, Brodeur Partners set out to answer that question and others on the relevance of organizations to the public. Polling 2,000 U.S. consumers between 18 and 65, Brodeur finds that what people find meaningful in a nonprofit is very different from what they find meaningful in commercial organizations. Other findings include:

• What people find meaningful in commercial organizations does not change, regardless of sector. Considering professional services firms, high-end product companies and consumer products companies, what respondents thought most and least important were very similar.

• Many companies appear to have specific leading relevance indicators. Companies such as AppleTarget and Red Bull are distinctively “interesting and exciting.” Ford scores high on values. Google and Wal-Mart are distinctive in their ubiquity and would be missed most if they were gone.

• Among charitable and nonprofit firms, big brands dominated. Many nonprofits had distinctive profiles—they were highly relevant but in different ways. And there were some organizations that were surprisingly relevant and others that were surprisingly less so.

Source: Brodeur Partners

Nearly one quarter of social media messages contain links to content; 60% of shared content includes a link to an external site.