Email Etiquette

We're trying not to patronize you readers when it comes to the fine art of email pitching - honest. But just to be on the safe side, here's a primer, courtesy of the whiny and bitter editors at PR

Avoid attachments. Too many of us got burned by the "I love you" virus. (Hey, we're gullible and vain...and we need to be loved.) The more vigilant among us now delete attachments routinely
without reading them.

Make it sexy. If you absolutely must send an attachment (as in a giant file that guarantees some riveting bedtime reading), at least make the subject line appealing. Don't call it "press
release." If you're sending multiple attachments, provide a small table of contents in the body of the email message that explains what's in each attachment.

Use the "bcc" function. If you're blast pitching, we don't want to see your entire press list.

Can't see it? Won't run it. Got charts or graphics? Send them as PDF files. Otherwise we may have software compatibility issues. And we're too lazy to go looking for plug-ins.