Depression Tops Health Concerns of Gays and Lesbians

Depression - not HIV - is the most pressing health concern for gay men and women, according to a survey. The survey concludes that the depression experienced by
gays is often attributable to the sense of isolation they suffer from and highlights the need for a resource that provides a sense of community. Depression was ranked as the top
health concern by 35% of lesbians and 32% of gay men. When compared to a similar survey conducted of heterosexuals, results showed that gay men and women are
approximately two times more likely to be concerned about depression.

For gay men, what rounds out the top five health concerns are prostate and testicular problems, HIV, sexually transmitted diseases and hepatitis, according to the survey; and
for lesbians, it's breast cancer, cervical cancer, menstrual pain and estrogen replacement., which launched April 15, provides health and wellness information for the gay community.

(, Alan Klein, 646/486-1910)