Demonstrate Event Value for Lasting Sponsorships

The Shape Bikini Body Tour was organized with the dual intent of enticing the mag’s audience and building relationships with sponsors. Kristine Scichilone, Shape ’s integrated promotions director, explains how they ensured a quality experience for sponsors—in ways that would hopefully entice them to return again and again.

• Create a Custom Experience: “ We wanted to make sure the sponsors’ experiences for the event were custom and spoke to the brand of the person participating as opposed to ‘just passing the brand around in a goody bag,” Scichilone says. For example, for the Venus Razor tie-in, they hired a cartoonist to do caricatures of guests as goddesses.

Cater to Sponsors’ Timelines: “Timing is important. Some people come to us with an RFP of objectives and we try to match the objectives to what we have in play at the moment.”

Read the full case study about Shape's Bikini Body Tour in PRNews.