Stories by Jaylen Christie

girl on phone

Internal Communication Tips to Help Navigate COVID-19

May 5th, 2020 by

Internal communication has become critically important as 90 percent of Americans are homebound. Here are four tips that can propel your internal communication effort during coronavirus and at other times.

Apologize or Advocate: Choices for Crafting Statements During Pandemic

May 5th, 2020 by

As stores and businesses suspended operations in the wake of the pandemic, many sent customers updates of new business hours, closures, delays and service suspensions. The question, though, is how to communicate such messages. Should you be an advocate or an apologist? Both approaches have merit.

The Pandemic’s ‘Infodemic’ and Facebook’s Face-Saving Response

May 5th, 2020 by

Few things are spreading faster than fake news about coronavirus. In an uncharacteristic stance for it, Facebook has vowed to remove outrageous claims and cures and inform users when they’ve reached posts with bogus health information. Many believe Facebook and other platforms should be doing more.

The Future of Travel: Mapping Predictive Trends in the Tourism Industry

May 5th, 2020 by

The associate director of APCO Worldwide’s Paris office uses the example of the travel industry to show how PR pros can use technology to create a model about what business may look like after the pandemic.

Researched Carefully and Done Sensitively, Media Pitches, Product Launches Can Work During Virus

May 5th, 2020 by

A bevy of questions asked during a recent PRNEWS webinar about media relations form the basis for this roundtable where PR pros discuss pitching and product launches during the pandemic. In short, you can pitch and launch products during the pandemic. It requires careful research and a sensitive approach, however.

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How Twitter Fleets Can Help You Communicate with Your Audience During COVID-19

May 4th, 2020 by

Even as organizations strengthen ties with their audiences during the pandemic, they will need a long-term engagement strategy that builds on that trust.

boy failing test

PRNEWS GRADES: Brand Responses to Coronavirus for the Week of April 26

May 1st, 2020 by

The PRNEWS staff comes across many examples of brand advertising and communications every day. We have compiled a weekly assessment, published Fridays, with staff members providing their choices of the most notable, good or bad. We hope these brief examples will provide a learning experience about what works and things to avoid during this difficult moment.

businesswoman smiling

Aflac CCO Looks to Real-Time Communications During COVID-19

April 29th, 2020 by

Working in a highly regulated industry with multiple stakeholders, Aflac’s communications team issued some 150 pieces of content during the pandemic’s first weeks. One tactic the team is using, writes CCO Catherine Hernandez-Blades, is to condition audiences to head to a single point for information and updates.


Turning Isolation into Innovation

April 26th, 2020 by

Companies are looking at how to pivot their external communications. For both internal and external communications they are adapting to new technologies and ways of working.

kid failing test

PRNEWS GRADES: Brand Responses to Coronavirus for the Week of April 19

April 24th, 2020 by

The PRNEWS staff comes across many examples of brand advertising and communications every day. We have compiled a weekly assessment, published Fridays, with staff members providing their choices of the most notable, good or bad. We hope these brief examples will provide a learning experience about what works and things to avoid during this difficult moment.