3 Characteristics of a Successful Blog Contributor

Maureen McCarty, Human Rights Campaign
Maureen McCarty, Human Rights Campaign

For communicators, blogging is an integral piece of the PR puzzle. It can be a unique space within social media where users can access in-depth, authoritative content that fuses with organizational goals. Creating a successful blog can provide an enticing route for audiences to meaningfully engage with a brand’s message.

Maureen McCarty, associate director of digital media for Human Rights Campaign, shares her thoughts here on the characteristics of a robust blog contributor. McCarty is also a featured speaker at PR News' Social Media 20/20 Summit, taking place in San Francisco on Aug. 12.

  • Authority—Build trust in your content by allowing your readers to hear directly from a voice of authority, in their own words, rather than filtering it through the lens of a journalist. At HRC, our organizational work is divided into programs much in the same way that a newsroom is divided into columnists and beat writers. Each department is a resource for the blog, and provides an opportunity for the organization to weigh in on current affairs with some of the leading experts in LGBT issues.
  • Voice—A quality contributor walks the fine line of conveying a unique perspective, while speaking with universal appeal to your audience. It is a voice that is authoritative, yet inviting and humanistic. The strength of a writer will compel readers to scroll further and dive deeper.
  • Passion—Tracking content that speaks to your brand’s blog can sometimes be like drinking from a fire hose. Don’t be afraid to harness the power of your contributors’ personal media consumption to help stymie the flow. Your contributors are monitoring the stories they’re the most passionate about, giving them a voice and, often, broader perspective when news warranting your organization's attention bubbles to the surface. The key is to marry their content passions with your brand standards.

To learn more about blogging and other social media tactics, join PR News for the Social Media 20/20 Summit, taking place on August 12 in San Francisco. 

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