Archive: January 2011


Charting the Industry: Orgs Wrestle With Social Media ROI

January 3rd, 2011 by

Despite all the talk of Facebook and Twitter taking over the digital communications space, corporate execs say that e-mail and Web sites command the best ROI online. Still, PR practitioners are working to realize better returns from social media.

Recognizing CSR’s Value, PR Execs Work to Tie Citizenship Efforts to Biz Goals

January 3rd, 2011 by

Unlike their B2C counterparts, B2B communicators must extend CSR messaging beyond direct stakeholders. Yet they do have a major theme in common: Ultimately, good citizenship is good for business.

PR Measurement in 2011: Show the Science, But Trust Your Instincts

January 3rd, 2011 by

There is probably a PR discipline no more challenging—or more important—than measurement. PR News spoke to a variety of experts to find out what their measurement strategies and priorities are for this year.