Archive: May 2009


Human Rights Threat Matrix: Corporate Responsibility Through a Legal Lens

May 4th, 2009 by

A company’s reputation and brand image are never more important than in an economic downturn—and never more vulnerable than when an unforeseen event captivates the media. While many companies appropriately tout their corporate responsibility (CR)… Continued

Rock the Boat: Leveraging a Downturn to Engage in M&A

May 4th, 2009 by

Question: What do Diageo, IBM, Bank of America and Johnson & Johnson have in common? Answer: Each company entered into or completed a successful acquisition that served its stakeholders and bottom lines well in the… Continued

Prepping for Interviews During a Crisis

May 4th, 2009 by

Following are six ways to defuse a crisis situation when speaking to the media: •    Know what you want to say before the interview. Instead of waiting for questions to trigger your message, look for… Continued

Media Relations 2.0: Bridging PR & Journalism

May 4th, 2009 by

As the newsstand shrinks, communications professionals are making more room for themselves in the expanding domain of digital media. But this historic shift in the delivery of news content has also challenged PR practitioners—especially those… Continued

Eight Tips for Telling a Good Anecdote

May 4th, 2009 by

Stories grab attention the way no other technique can. Your anecdote may be serious, sad, humorous, enlightening, or inspiring. It may serve as proof that a situation exists in your organization, an example of what… Continued

Globalization As An Impetus For Responsible Leadership

May 4th, 2009 by

PricewaterhouseCoopers’ “Power of 10” initiative, based on the concept of responsible leadership on a global scale, was not created in a vacuum. On the contrary, extensive research was conducted—especially around the company’s annual global CEO… Continued

Get Buzzed: Driving Bottom-Line Results via Integrated Marketing

May 4th, 2009 by

It just might be the worst-kept secret of social media marketing: You can’t make something “go viral,” nor can you force a campaign to generate “buzz.” Rather, these online marketing standards are met only upon… Continued

The PR News Interview, KC Brown: Go Naked, or at Least Be Public With Your Goals & Performance

May 4th, 2009 by

KC Brown knew early on that he wanted to be in Public Relations, and specifically on the research side. Armed with a master’s degree in mass communication research, Brown is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to discussing the need for companies to measure their outputs and outcomes.

It’s a well-worn mantra in PR that if it can’t be measured it shouldn’t be done. But we all know that mantra is better said than practiced.