What's Your Biggest Social Media Pet Peeve?
Does it bother you when some likes their own post, or when a feed is just a constant stream of promotional info? Share your social media pet peeves and see what your peers think.
My biggest social media pet peeve is...

Auto-posting posts from one platform to another

Too many hashtags

Too much promotional content

Meaningless content (pins, check-ins, etc.)

People that post ALL the time

Sales pitches via LinkedIn

Comments like "Follow back!"



Social Media Pet Peeves
From oversharing to people and brands liking their own content. We all have those small social media details that have us shaking our heads. What is your #1 social media pet peeve?
Some Social Media Do's and Don'ts
Social media is a key tool for communicators today, make sure you aren't guilty of committing these top social media pet peeves.

Looking to better your social media efforts? Join PR News in New York City on October 20 for the Social Media Conference. We will be covering everything from content strategy to influencers on all the top social media platforms plus the platforms you should be keeping an eye on.

Master Social in NYC
Top Social Media Pet Peeves: