Don’t Send a Press Release—Become a Trusted Resource

To get the media's full attention on Foster Farms' competitors' practice of "plumping" chicken—injecting the meat with salt water—Fineman PR couldn't just send at a press release. It had to win the media's hearts and minds. Here's some tips from Fineman PR’s Lorna Bush on how to establish your organization as a trusted resource of the media:

  • Do your homework. Find out and track outlets and reporters covering your issue in a meaningful way.
  • Don’t just develop a press release and pitch it. Have conversations about previous coverage and how your campaign could be an extension of that coverage.
  • Check the calendar. Circle back with media contacts when there are major developments related to your campaign.
  • Don’t be solely self-serving when approaching the press. Offer up resources on the topic both within and outside of your client’s organization.
  • Provide the press with third-party experts. “Some of our best coverage came from opportunities” where we were recommending other sources that weren’t initially on spokesperson list, Bush says.

Read more about Fineman PR's case study in PRNews.