Common Sense, Energy Bill Can Jump-Start Climate Efforts

If your a company is the size of BT Americas, the level of climate change activities, reporting and communications is staggering. Yet, says Kevin Moss, the company’s head of CSR, smaller organizations can make a difference, too. “Actually, a lot of this is just common sense,” he says. Here’s how to get started:

• Learn as much about your energy bill as you do your phone bill. Focusing on a cost perspective is great start.

• Think about what impact your products and/or services have on society.

• Determine if there’s opportunities to shift, fine-tune or position your portfolio to help your customers with their sustainability needs.

• Identify what your biggest energy drainers are, and concentrate on them.

• To start, go to the Carbon Disclosure Project ( and see how other organizations are reporting their climate change efforts.

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