Corporate Social Responsibility


"Greenest" Adults are also Tech-Savvy, Says Study

June 23rd, 2008 by

Acccording to a recent study conducted by Mediamark Research & Intelligence, while 46% of U.S. adults neither think nor act green, the 2% of the population who call themselves green advocates, are among the most… Continued

Reaping Biz Benefits of Philanthropy Programs

June 16th, 2008 by

Generosity comes easily when business is booming and optimism is running high. But when companies experience economic setbacks, corporate giving programs may face increased scrutiny from internal stakeholders who are looking for places to cut… Continued

Half of All Businesses Lack Sustainability Vision

June 16th, 2008 by

A global study on corporations’ concern for environmental sustainability shows that half of all businesses polled lack a sustainability strategy. The survey, developed by The Vandiver Group and sponsored by Pinnacle Worldwide, shed light on… Continued

Integrate IR and CSR Communications

June 16th, 2008 by

Investors are increasingly beginning to see CSR as a form of risk management; it’s up to communications executives to bridge their IR and CSR messaging. The following tips serve as a guide for how to… Continued

It’s More Than the Color of Money: Investor Relations Goes Green

June 16th, 2008 by

Although it’s widely known that CSR is much more than a passing trend as far as public interest is concerned, executives are still challenged to engage all corporate audiences in the context of CSR. Among… Continued

Leveraging Company Operations and Scale to Drive Social and Business Impacts

June 9th, 2008 by

During the last 25 years, traditional cause marketing and cause branding have evolved.  Americans’ expectations for companies when it comes to supporting social issues remain at an all-time high (83 percent in 2007, according to… Continued

It’s Easy Being Green—Theoretically

June 9th, 2008 by

According to Mediamark Research & Intelligence’s Survey of the American Consumer, considering oneself “green” and actually following through with its philosophies are two entirely different things. The study showed that the 2% of the population… Continued

Optimizing Your Relationship with a CSR Consultant

June 4th, 2008 by

For all communication professionals, the emergence of corporate social responsibility as a modus operandi is great news. It is an ideal opportunity for communicators to grab hold of a portfolio that is certain to get… Continued

Integrating CSR Messages Into Your Business’ Communications Plan

June 2nd, 2008 by

Communications professionals don’t necessarily lie, but they sure can be deceptive—especially when it comes to messaging surrounding corporate social responsibility (CSR) and green initiatives. And who can blame them? Consumer skepticism of green advertising abounds… Continued

What You Need to Know about Greenwashing

June 2nd, 2008 by

Environmental issues are rarely out of the news these days with more and more people rapidly becoming aware of the role we each play in using (and sometimes abusing), the planet’s resources. Accepting this ethical… Continued