"Greenest" Adults are also Tech-Savvy, Says Study

Acccording to a recent study conducted by Mediamark Research & Intelligence, while 46% of U.S. adults neither think nor act green, the 2% of the population who call themselves green advocates, are among the most tech-savvy consumers. The report analyzed consumer attitudes toward the environment and actions taken to support it. Consumers were labelled from both ends of the spectrum: those who are not green-conscious to those who make preserving the environment a key factor in their lives.

Following are findings of the study:

  • Green advocates are also 41% more likely to completely agree that technology helps make their life more organized;

  • 36% are more likely to be fascinated by new techologies;

  • 30% are more likely to completely agree that computers are a good source of entertainment;

  • 24% are more likel than the average U.S. adult to prefer to use the Internet when booking travel; and

  • 23% are more likely to be comfortable conducting day-to-day banking online.