Tip Sheet: Three Tips to Fix Cross-Cultural Miscommunications

So you think that because you are a communicator, you can easily solve the vagaries of successfully interacting with contacts overseas. In any event, you and your colleagues have attended the HR cross-cultural class and have learned how to kiss, bow and shake hands, and now you’re ready to do business internationally, right?

But...wait. Something’s wrong. Why are you running into problems with your international counterparts telling you “yes” one day and then not following through?

After working in communications with clients in Southeast Asia since the 1990s and living in Malaysia with my family for almost a year conducting research and coaching senior leaders of some of the largest organizations in the region, I’ve gained some insight into this pesky, long-lasting conundrum that so many international teams face: cross-cultural communication problems.


The cross-cultural communications problem is a breakdown in the meaning of verbal language and body language. Here are some examples:

• A manager from India speaking to a colleague from the United States comes across as condescending and arrogant without knowing he is conveying that attitude. The Indian feels he is simply showing confidence. To the American, he is being offensive. The American doesn’t respect the manager. How likely is it that the two can form a productive working relationship?

• A man from Singapore meets with a woman from the U.S. To him, research means that if three friends agree on something, it’s a fact. To her, research means paying a firm $50,000 to call and poll people for a month. The man and the woman leave the meeting in agreement that they will research a new product and then go to market with it, but they never discuss the meaning of the term “research.” What will happen when they meet again at the end of the month to do a progress check?

• A manager from Germany delegates a critical job to an Asian subordinate. The subordinate says “yes” after the delegation is complete. Upon the due date, the work is not done. The manager asks, “Where is the work?” The subordinate replies, “It’s on my desk.” The manager continues, “Is it done?” Subordinate: “Yes.” Manager: “Can I have it?” Subordinate: “Yes.” Manager: “So where is it?” Subordinate: “On my desk.” Manager: “So why is it on your desk?” Subordinate: “Because I’m still working on it.” Manager: “But you said it was done.” Subordinate: “Yes.”… The manager becomes frustrated and associates the “yes” comment with deception or incompetence. In reality, it’s a fear of sharing bad news with a source of authority. How can the manager foster an environment where the Asian subordinate is comfortable enough to transcend her belief in disappointing authority to be honest?

• A woman from Malaysia meets with a man from England. They are developing an event for the company. The man from England is discussing the takeaways from the event, and he is referring to lessons that people take away and retain. The woman from Malaysia believes that “takeaways” refer to handouts and gifts that people will take away from the event. Is the meeting a productive one or simply causing confusion?


Fortunately, there’s a fix for cross-cultural communication problems. It involves these three actions:

1. Paraphrase. Repeat what others say in your own words to confirm your understanding.

2. Define terms. When it’s your turn to speak, invest time in creating common definitions of terms. It’s OK to stop the flow of a meeting to do so. Taking time to define your terms—even if it’s only by asking a simple question such as “what do we mean by takeaway?”—can save time and energy later on. Be patient, and plan for extra time for this.

3. Never assume. Don’t take it for granted that everyone is using terms in the same way. Tone of voice may suggest understanding, but that doesn’t prove that you’re on the same page, so always double-check.

In cross-cultural environments, communication problems are magnified. If you’re prepared for them, you’ll avoid costly breakdowns and strengthen productivity.

Pay attention to the fix, and you’ll thrive. Don’t, and you’re wasting valuable time.


Ethan F. Becker is the author of Mastering Communication at Work (McGraw-Hill) and president of The Speech Improvement Company. He can be reached at www.speechimprovement.com.