Social Platforms Telling Trove of Travelers Where to Go

Younger Travelers Use Facebook for Direction: Nearly 90% of travelers under the age of 34 use Facebook to help choose a destination, finds a Travel & Tourism study by Text100 Global Com-munications in partnership with RedShift Research.

The report surveyed 4,600 travelers to better understand how digital technology influences the four major stages of a consumer’s travel decision-cycle: inspiration, decision, purchase and experience.

According to the study results, social media plays the largest role in the first and last phases, inspiration and experience.

Highlights include:

  • 63% of survey respondents consider recommendations by friends and family the number one factor to inspire travel and social channels make sharing among friends and family easy. Of people surveyed under the age of 34, 87% use Facebook for travel inspiration.

  • Globally, over half the travelers polled have used Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms to get travel inspiration.

  • 37% of U.S. respondents consider travel blogger reviews in initial decision-making of holiday destination tourist attractions or leisure activities. Hence, travel bloggers should be considered an integral part of any company’s promotional efforts. 

Source: Text100 Global Communications/RedShift Research

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