Search Results for: PR News’ PR People, People to Watch & Top Places to Work Awards Luncheon- November 29, 2012

You’ve done your media preparation and practice. You’re well acquainted with your interviewer, you know what questions to anticipate and you have a game plan for your responses. Now the one question that remains is,… Continued
Wikipedia uses the sophisticated French-based portmanteau—a blend of two or more words—to classify greenwashing as a mixture of “green” and “whitewash,” describing the effect of company misleading consumers about its environmental practices or its products’… Continued
“Corporate Responsibility in a New Economy: Findings of the Business of Social Responsibility/Cone “Corporate Responsibility in a New World” survey revealed that, despite difficult times and declining budgets, CR leaders are surprisingly optimistic, with 77%… Continued
Wikipedia uses the sophisticated French-based portmanteau--a blend of two or more words--to classify greenwashing as a mixture of "green" and "whitewash," describing the effect of company misleading consumers about its environmental practices or its products'… Continued