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Explainer: What are Impact Companies?

February 14th, 2023 by

Even experienced PR and communication professionals need a periodic refresher on the basics or insights about new material. Here we offer a brief explainer about impact companies.

2 people shaking hands on top of a pile of coins

How PR Agencies Should Handle Egregious Payment Terms Like Keurig Dr Pepper’s

December 5th, 2022 by

Smaller agencies may be frozen out of business, especially if major brands seek terms similar to those of Keurig Dr Pepper. 

2023: A Growth Year for PR, But Also More Crises, Labor Issues and Internal Communication

December 2nd, 2022 by

Overall, the mood of our PR prognosticators is upbeat as they anticipate PR continuing its recent ascension into 2023.

3 Things PR Pros Need to Know from COP27

November 28th, 2022 by

The U.S. midterm elections overtook media coverage of COP27. Still, important communication takeaways emerged from the global climate confab. Chief among these is communication’s key role in conveying the benefits and immediacy of attacking climate change.

How PR, Data and Authentic Reporting Help Convey ESG’s Value and Avoid Greenwashing

November 7th, 2022 by

While ESG is not a PR endeavor, communicators play important roles in its success. Preventing greenwashing is just one of PR’s jobs. Communicators also should convey ESG’s importance internally and externally.

Creativity, Persistence and Context are Keys for Successful Fundraising Communication

October 27th, 2022 by

We ask 2022 Nonprofit Awards honoree Dini von Mueffling about working with nonprofits during times of economic uncertainty.

Tips for Communicating About Climate Change and Sustainability

October 6th, 2022 by

An analysis of tweets about sustainability and climate change yields tips for communicating with stakeholders who hold a variety of views about the environment. Fortunately, many of the tips have deep roots in PR.

Communicators Push Educational Messages as American Interest in Electric Vehicles Grows

October 4th, 2022 by

The rise in consumer interest in electronic vehicles highlights the need for clear, effective messaging. Education is a priority as is jargon-free communication that addresses range anxiety and infrastructure issues.

How to Make Sure Corporate ESG Strategy Appeals to Younger Generations

September 22nd, 2022 by

Technology firms must attract young investors and talent, who sometimes use ESG ratings as guidance. Making such ratings transparent is key.

Patagonia Owner’s Giveaway Can Make Climate Change a Local Issue

September 20th, 2022 by

A key component of the Patagonia giveaway is that the brand can make climate a local and even more relatable issue, our author, a retail and climate veteran, argues.