Awards Timeline
Entry Deadline:
May 1, 2015
Final Deadline:
May 8, 2015
Awards Luncheon:
Fall 2015
PR News' Platinum PR Awards salute the year’s most outstanding communications initiatives and programs in the highly competitive and dynamic PR arena. The coveted awards set the industry benchmark for excellence across all areas of PR. The winners of the Platinum PR Awards are from corporations, agencies and nonprofits large and small who took chances, made tremendous strides and understand the power of public relations. Your hard work is done – now it’s time for you and your team to get recognized for it!
Are you ready to enter? It’s simple to compete, as your campaigns and people speak for themselves. But you have to enter to be considered, so don’t let your competitors steal the show. We’ll be honoring the winners in September 2015 in New York City, and in Platinum PR Awards Event Program Guide.
Questions: Please contact Marketing Coordinator, Rachel Scharmann at 301-354-1713; [email protected].
Winners will be awarded in the following categories:
- Anniversary - Includes programs or events that take place for a day, week or a year long anniversary (not including planning or preparation), or activities (commemorations, observances, celebrations, etc.).
- Annual Report - We'll award the annual report that demonstrates the best and most efficient communication of a company's financial results and overall positioning. Design, crafting of messages from the CEO and effective presentation of company messages will be included in judging criteria. Please include five copies of the report as well as pertinent information from our standard campaign entry form.
- Blog - Recognizing an outstanding, influential business-related weblog or online journal written by a representative of the organization with the goal of espousing the brand or a certain message and written with flair and personality.
- Branding - Recognizing a highly effective campaign in which a corporate brand is enthusiastically received by its target audiences, where the essence of the product or purpose of the company is effectively conveyed via the brand campaign. This category also recognizes a company’s efforts to effectively re-invent a brand, applying the same principles of an outstanding in which the brand becomes highly recognized and well received.
- Cause-Related Marketing - This category comprises those campaigns whose primary focus is promoting a social cause, but which may also include promotion of your product and/or services and the advancement of your reputation as a corporate citizen.
- Community Relations - Community relations campaigns are those that target the communities in which your organization works. A broad range of campaigns fit into this category: anything from persuading a community to accept a new recycling system to promoting a holiday drive that benefits those members of the community who are in need.
- Crisis Management - Communications surrounding any crisis, from product recalls to executive malfeasance to terrorist attacks are eligible in this category.
- Employee Relations - This category recognizes outstanding communications to your most important stakeholders. Any PR campaign actively targeting the workforce is eligible.
- Event Marketing - Event Marketing entries should include PR conducted at an industry event (a marketing communications effort conducted at an industry trade show, for example) or through an event or series of events conceived and implemented by your organization (for instance, a multi-city tour promoting a product or awareness of an issue).
- External Publication (print or online) - Any publication produced for stakeholders outside your organization is eligible for entry in this category. Please include five copies of the publication, a synopsis and pertinent information from our standard campaign entry form.
- Facebook Campaign - Communications campaigns either developed specifically for Facebook, or campaigns that include a strong Facebook component will be considered. Entrants should demonstrate objectives, execution and results that are specific to Facebook.
- Financial/Investor Relations - This category recognizes campaigns conducted to support your organization's financial messages, whether targeted to investors or other audiences.
- Firm of the Year - Saluting outstanding PR agency that has demonstrated client growth, retention and financial success in the past year. Judges will also look at the creativity of the programs and campaigns and the employee and agency/client culture.
*Provide the following for all Firm of the Year Entries: Overview of the firm, including practice areas, List of major accounts and top campaigns executed between May 1, 2014 and May 1, 2015; Notable achievements between May 1, 2014 and May 1, 2015; Marketable distinction from other firms your size; Account wins & losses between May 1, 2014 and May 1, 2015; two client testimonials; Industry partnerships, pro bono work and other community relations initiatives
- Large PR Firm of the Year - Saluting outstanding PR agency that has demonstrated client growth, retention and financial success in the past year. Judges will also look at the creativity of the programs and campaigns and the employee and agency/client culture. Open to U.S.- and Canada-based firms with annual PR income of at least $60 million.
- Midsize PR Firm of the Year - Recognizing a mid-size firm with annual PR billings of $10 million between $60 million. Nominees will be judged on client growth and retention, innovation and agency/client culture. Open to any firm based in the U.S. or Canada.
- Small PR Firm of the Year - This award is open to any U.S. or Canadian-based PR agency with annual income below $10 million. As with other agency categories, nominees will be judged on their innovations, client growth and retention, and culture.
- Global PR Campaign - Global PR campaigns are those that are international in scope and require special efforts to manage the target audiences' broad geographic and cultural diversity.
- Green PR - This category recognizes a communications strategy with your organization’s "Go Green" efforts as its focus. Along with your entry form, provide an explanation of your company’s green practices as well as a synopsis of the campaign or ongoing communications initiatives.
- Influencer Communications - Recognizes success at identifying influencers for a particular campaign or ongoing initiative, and mobilizing them to connect positively with a brand or organization.
- Internal Publication (print or online) - Entrants in this category should be publications targeted at your internal employee stakeholders. Hard copy and electronic publications are eligible; please include hard copies of the publication with your entry. Also include pertinent information from our standard campaign entry form.
- Marketing Communications - Campaigns in this category combine public relations and communications with traditional marketing tactics for either b-to-b or b-to-c promotions.
- Media Event - Media events are those events, from press conferences to media tours, which are built around in-person interaction between your company and the press. Entries should exhibit creativity in planning and implementing the event, drawing the media to it and engaging them at the event.
- Media Relations - This category recognizes an overall campaign whose primary objective was to sway the media. These campaigns may include individual components eligible in other categories (like Media Event), but are representative of a complete campaign using a variety of tactics to reach the press.
- Multicultural Campaign - This category includes campaigns designed to recognize and serve the distinct needs of multicultural audiences. Campaigns targeted at specific racial or ethnic groups, gay and lesbian audiences, or any group whose needs differentiate it from a mainstream consumer target, are eligible in this category.
- On a Shoestring Campaign - Recognizing outstanding examples of achieving success with limited funds/budget, whether it's for a single campaign or ongoing PR/public affairs. While "shoestring" is subjective, the winners in this category are those who have done more with less, and have been creative with the limited PR dollars they have.
- Online Communications - Entries in this category should focus on the Online PR communications efforts surrounding a product, service or event in the communications arena.
- Online Press Room/Media Center - Demonstrates ease of use for members of the media and bloggers; frequent updates; integration of social media channels and organization’s own blogs; easily visible contact links for media to request interviews and more information.
- Podcast and/or Videocast - Entries in this category should focus on the PR efforts surrounding a podcast and/or videocast, whether in the consumer or business-to-business arena.
- Press Release - We're looking for the most creative campaign or product driven press release. Will be judged on measurement results and ROI.
- Pro Bono Campaign - Recognizing an organization with a successful charitable giving program(s) in which the communications of these efforts has improved the image and standing of the organization in the markets it serves.
- Product Launch - Entries in this category should focus on the PR efforts surrounding the launch of a new product or service, whether in the consumer or business-to-business arena.
- Public Affairs - This category encompasses a wide range of campaigns influencing or educating the public about social, economic, governmental and other issues.
- PSA - Television, online and radio PSAs created by any organization are eligible in this category.
- Re-Branding/Re-positioning - This category recognizes a company’s efforts to effectively re-invent a brand, applying the same principles of an outstanding in which the brand becomes highly recognized and well received by its target audiences.
- Research & Measurement - This category recognizes the most creative and effective use of metrics, whether front-end research to develop the best-targeted campaign, or back-end monitoring of outcomes resulting from your PR outputs. We look for creative applications of measurement and effective results stemming from the use of your research.
- Satellite Media Tours - Recognizing one or a series of live broadcasts aired by TV stations based on content, production value, messaging and ROI. Submit edited DVD and a one-page summary outlining objectives and results.
- SEM/ SEO Initiatives or Campaign - A campaign where SEM or SEO was used as a form of Internet marketing to promote a campaign by increasing visibility in the search engine result pages. This category will be broken into two sub-categories – Organic and paid search and will be judged on branding and ROI results.
- Social Media Campaign - These are campaigns that connect people and allow them to be integrated into a product or company. Social media campaigns can include: Internet forums, message boards, weblogs, wikis, podcasts, pictures and video. Technologies such as blogs, picture-sharing, vlogs, email, instant messaging, music-sharing, group creation and voice over IP.
- Speeches - Recognizing a presentation/speech by a PR professional or written by a PR professional for a client or an executive at his/her organization, given during any type of internal or external event/conference. Will be judged on quality of content and whether the speech met the stated objectives. Submit the text of speech and one-page synopsis.
- Trade Show/Event PR - Innovative use of multiple channels to raise awareness of trade show or event; tactics should be clearly linked to results (attendance, revenue, etc.).
- Twitter Campaign - Communications campaigns either developed specifically for Twitter, or campaigns that include a strong Twitter component will be considered. Entrants should demonstrate objectives, execution and results that are specific to Twitter.
- Video Program - Best use of a video or moving image campaign to get your message across. We'll consider the customization and depth of an effort and ROI.
- Web Site Marketing: recognizing a campaign conducted primarily via a Web site, landing page or microsite, to promote a particular service, product, message or initiative.
- Word of Mouth/Viral Campaign - We'll honor viral marketing campaigns that touch a nerve and create major buzz among your customers.
WOW! Award - for the most innovative, out of the box PR campaign or paradigm-shifting communications idea.
Deadline: May 1, 2015 (shipped by)
Late Deadline: Friday, May 8, 2015
All entries must be shipped by Friday, May 8, 2015.
Entries postmarked between May 2 and May 8, 2015, please add a $275 late fee per entry. Finalists will be notified in late July and honored in September at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City.
Entry Fees
The price of each primary entry is $450. If you submit the same entry into multiple categories, the additional fee is $275 per category. Late entry surcharge of $275 per entry. Payment in full must accompany the entry.
All entries are non-returnable and non-refundable.
Who Should Enter?
There are two ways to enter. You can enter online or enter by mail.
Enter Online: You will be taken through a step-by-step registration process, and then the nomination process. International organizations are also open to enter. You may upload a word document or PDF that includes your full synopsis or entry, but please be sure to only upload it once. In the text boxes, please write "See synopsis attached."
*If you enter online, you do not need to send any materials via mail. You'll upload your supporting materials etc. to your online entry form(s).
Enter by Mail: Follow the instructions on the Entry form and mail with your entry. *For all mailed entries, please provide three (3) copies of all materials including your synopsis.
Compiling Your Entry
The following information must be listed on your synopsis:
- Category entered
- Title of entry (as it would appear on your award)
- Team members (on campaign)
- Key contact for entry
- Organization submitting entry
- Budget (All budget information is strictly confidential and will not be published w/o expressed permission.)
There are no binder specifications when compiling your entry.
Your Written Entry:
Within your two-page synopsis (max 2500 words), please describe your campaign or PR initiative using the following sub-headings:
- Objectives
- Strategy
- Tactics
- Execution
- Evaluation of Success/Results/ROI
Firm of the Year Entry:
Provide the following for all Firm of the Year Entries in a synopsis of no more than 3500 words:
- Overview of the firm, including practice areas
- List of major accounts and top campaigns executed between January 1, 2014 and May 1, 2015
- Notable achievements made between January 1, 2014 and May 1, 2015
- Marketable distinction from other firms of similar size
- Account wins & losses Between January 1, 2014 and May 1, 2015
- Two client testimonials
- Industry partnerships, pro bono work and other community relations initiatives.
Supporting materials should show evidence of the success of your work. It can be any of the following: sales figures, brand media coverage, clippings, photos, urls/web sites, research documents, and testimonials.
Where to Ship Your Entry:
Access Intelligence, LLC
Mary-Lou French, PR News Platinum PR Awards
4 Choke Cherry Road, 2nd Floor
Rockville, MD 20850
Please indicate on the left-hand corner of the envelope the categories you are entering.
PR News will not return any entries or supporting materials. If paying by check, please make the check out to PR News/Access Intelligence.
Eligibility Requirements
- How are the entries judged?
Entries are judged by a blue chip panel of corporate, agency and academic executives as well as by the staff of PR News. We evaluate your entry based on creativity, innovation, sound planning, implementation and outcomes. The most important criterion is proven success in aligning your strategic objectives with your end goals. - When will I be notified about the status of my entry?
You will be contacted by PR News staff regarding your entry only if you are named a finalist in the award program. Finalists will be notified in July 2015. - Can I enter my campaign in more than one category?
Yes. Please include separate written entries for each category. Also, there is no limit to number of campaigns you can enter. - How do I increase my chances of winning an award?
Emphasize the goals of your campaign as well as your campaign’s achievements in your introduction. Provide as many concrete and specific examples of success as possible, and explain clearly and succinctly your research, planning, implementation and measurement of the campaign or ongoing initiative. - Must we include our campaign budget?
It’s not a requirement, but it helps the judges to better compare your campaign against other entries. Include at least a reasonable budget range. The judges always take into account the campaign budget relative to the goals and outcome. All information is confidential and will not be published. - What is your Federal tax ID number?
52–2270063 - W-9 Form
Please contact Marketing Coordinator, Rachel Scharmann at 301-354-1713; [email protected].
Previous Winners
2014 winners
2013 winners
2012 winners
2011 winners
2010 winners
2009 winners
2008 winners
2007 winners
2006 winners
2005 winners