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This Week in PRNEWS

Simplicity, Holiday Imagery and Trolling Create High Engagement on Social Ahead of the Holidays

2023: A Growth Year for PR, But Also More Crises, Labor Issues and Internal Communication
More from this Week’s Issue
Why You Should Consider Affiliate Marketing as Part of Your Product-Pitch Mix
Affiliate marketing is growing as publishers diversify their revenue streams. Yet there are myriad conditions that PR pros should be aware of when pitching products. We offer several to consider.
How to Prepare: Brands, Social Media and the Holidays
PRNEWS talked with several social media communications experts to see how brands can prepare for an onslaught of holiday platform traffic, and also how to proceed if your team goes dark during the holidays.
How PR, Data and Authentic Reporting Help Convey ESG’s Value and Avoid Greenwashing
While ESG is not a PR endeavor, communicators play important roles in its success. Preventing greenwashing is just one of PR’s jobs. Communicators also should convey ESG’s importance internally and externally.
On Mentorship: How to Respond to a Prospective Mentee
If a prospective mentee approaches you, here’s how you can get the conversation going and gauge whether it’s a good fit.
Tips for Creating Powerful, Pithy and Publishable Soundbites
Don’t underestimate how much a juicy soundbite can help your story gain attention in today’s crowded media landscape. We offer some useful soundbite tips.
Tips for Communicating Internally and Externally in a Divided Country
The questions for communicators: Do you craft messages differently, internally and externally, when you know the country is divided politically, and in other ways? In addition, do you change communication to adapt to the fact that a significant portion of the electorate believes the election was rigged, and, by extension, the true winner is not scheduled to be inaugurated next week?
Three Tips to Help Navigate Difficult PR Conversations
Nobody enjoys having difficult conversations. Sometimes, as PR pros, we have difficult exchanges with those who pay our salary and can influence our career. Being direct, empathetic and solutions-oriented can help make such exchanges less difficult and, most important, help build trust and understanding.
Webinar Explores Tasty Ideas for Pandemic PR and Beyond
It seems a good bet that many PR pros will work virtually, long after the pandemic ends. The pandemic has proven businesses can exist in a virtual setting. The concepts of remote working and limited budgets permeated today’s PRNEWS webinar, “How to do More with Less: A Holistic Approach to PR.”
Why Awards Should Be an Integral Part of Your PR and Marketing Plan
Winning awards is a powerful communciations tool that can enhance your brand’s visibility and credibility. Here’s why incorporating awards into your marketing plan is a smart move, along with some tips for how to get started.
PRNEWS Announces Winners of 2024 Impact Communications Awards
PRNEWS today announced the winners of its 2024 Impact Communications Awards, which honor communicators who use their platforms to better their community and the global community at large. Winners are the campaigns, initiatives, and communicators—both internal and external—that are advancing the fight for global change.
PR Pros Eye Surveys About Online Shopping, Racism, Trust in Tech
While you might not like the buzzword phrase “the new normal,” it signals that attitudes and behaviors have changed, at least in some areas. As PR pros need to gauge the zeitgeist as they craft tactics and strategies, it’s fortunate that a slew of surveys and polls are appearing during the pandemic. We offer a brief survey of surveys relevant to communicators and marketers.
How a Story Spreads Can Help PR Pros Spot Fake News
A team of international researchers used AI to detect patterns in how real news and fake stories propagate. The team discovered several signs about how stories spread that may help to determine authenticity. Fortunately, these signs can be detected early, before a fake news story spreads too far. Learning to spot some of these signs can benefit PR pros, argues Michael Burke of MSR Communications.
Challenges for the Modern Communicator
Modern media outreach has evolved to the changing needs of today’s communicators, who are juggling many more roles with leaner staff and smaller budgets. According to findings from a recent News Direct market survey, 79% of… Continued
PR Pros Working Harder, But 85% See Post-Pandemic Rebound, Rise in PR’s Stature
Our latest survey of PR pros found them working harder than before the pandemic, but for a reason that left them thinking the future looks bright. In addition, more than 80 percent of survey respondents said the industry will rebound to its pre-pandemic size and that PR’s prestige has risen during the past five months. The pandemic has illustrated that businesses need strategic communication, respondents said.
88% of PR Pros See Industry Rebounding After Pandemic
A new survey from PRNEWS shows the industry upbeat about the future. In the survey of 200 PR pros last month, 88 percent told us PR and communication will come back as strong if not stronger after the pandemic. Still, there’s concern for the future and diversity & inclusion content is lacking in industry messaging.
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