With the countdown to the 2026 FIFA World Cup in North America underway, opportunities for brands to tap into the vibrant culture of fútbol, particularly among U.S. Hispanics, are growing. But before marketers dive in, understanding the nuances of the U.S. Hispanic audience’s relationship with the sport is crucial to crafting authentic communication strategies.

Facebook’s New Ad Policies for Minors Emphasize Organic PR
September 1st, 2021 by Joshua SmithFacebook is changing how it targets people younger than 18. This means communicators will need to revert to other forms of audience reach.

Risk Assessment Goals: Raise Understanding and Prompt Planning
July 20th, 2021 by Seth ArensteinFor this month’s Crisis Interview, we talked with Kelly Stepno and Jim Moorhead of APCO about risk and risk assessment.

How to Create a Narrative That Builds Relationships
January 7th, 2020 by Ayaz Malik and Bob PearsonIn this first part of a two-part series, Bob Pearson and Ayaz Malik offer a framework for getting a multi-part organization to read from the same script. This initial article provides ways to contextualize strategies, objectives, tactics and measures across marketing and functional teams/disciplines.

Personalization Dominates: 25 Top Execs Look at 2020 Trends, from Tech and Crisis to Social
December 1st, 2019 by Seth ArensteinOur annual predictions for the new year. In 2018, when we ran predictions for 2019, trust and, in some cases, how to regain it, dominated. This year, as our 25 senior executives look to 2020, trust was an underlying element of PR. Personalization in various forms was the main theme.

Incoming Page Board Chair Emphasizes New Skills for CCOs as They Manage Expanding Role
November 1st, 2019 by Seth ArensteinCharlene Wheeless, incoming chair of the board at Page and a VP for global corporate affairs at Bechtel Corporation, says CCOs must step up in new ways. In addition to their traditional business roles, CCOs need to become stronger leaders who bring additional value to society. She believes Page’s programs can help.

The On-Camera Interview: A Step-by-Step Guide to Success
October 4th, 2019 by Maura FitzGeraldInterviews on television and social media videos are a fact of life for corporate executives. Yet many executives are fearful when reporters and cameras appear. Fear not. Maura FitzGerald of Vision 2.0 Communications provides a comprehensive review of what to say, how to say it and what to wear while you do.

A Quick Journey into PR’s History Holds More Than a Few Surprises
October 1st, 2019 by Jared MeadeDo you need inspiration? You might find some during a visit to the Museum of PR in NY. In this second of a series of articles about the history of PR, our writer visits the Museum and describes its wonders. The series celebrates the 75th anniversary of PRNEWS.

Top Women in Healthcare Communications See Data as a Tool to Boost Industry’s Storytelling
July 1st, 2019 by Seth ArensteinThere are few topics that touch more people than healthcare. For the broader public, healthcare often is equated with cost. Fair enough: American healthcare spending as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product is enormous. We asked finalists for PRNEWS’ Top Women in Healthcare Communications to discuss several issues, including communicating about cost.

Good Storytelling isn’t Easy, but a Simple State Dept. Model Can Help
July 1st, 2019 by Bob Pearson, W2O GroupCreating and crafting a compelling story only looks easy. It’s hard work for PR pros. But how about teaching the basics of storytelling to members of the foreign service? Bob Pearson’s been doing that for several years. He shares tips he’s gained that have helped and can augment your storytelling too.