While you might not like the buzzword phrase “the new normal,” it signals that attitudes and behaviors have changed, at least in some areas. As PR pros need to gauge the zeitgeist as they craft tactics and strategies, it’s fortunate that a slew of surveys and polls are appearing during the pandemic. We offer a brief survey of surveys relevant to communicators and marketers.
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PR Pros Eye Surveys About Online Shopping, Racism, Trust in Tech
September 25th, 2020 by Seth Arenstein
How a Story Spreads Can Help PR Pros Spot Fake News
September 11th, 2020 by Michael BurkeA team of international researchers used AI to detect patterns in how real news and fake stories propagate. The team discovered several signs about how stories spread that may help to determine authenticity. Fortunately, these signs can be detected early, before a fake news story spreads too far. Learning to spot some of these signs can benefit PR pros, argues Michael Burke of MSR Communications.

Challenges for the Modern Communicator
August 6th, 2020 by PRNEWS TeamModern media outreach has evolved to the changing needs of today’s communicators, who are juggling many more roles with leaner staff and smaller budgets. According to findings from a recent News Direct market survey, 79% of… Continued

PR Pros Working Harder, But 85% See Post-Pandemic Rebound, Rise in PR’s Stature
August 4th, 2020 by Seth ArensteinOur latest survey of PR pros found them working harder than before the pandemic, but for a reason that left them thinking the future looks bright. In addition, more than 80 percent of survey respondents said the industry will rebound to its pre-pandemic size and that PR’s prestige has risen during the past five months. The pandemic has illustrated that businesses need strategic communication, respondents said.

88% of PR Pros See Industry Rebounding After Pandemic
June 22nd, 2020 by Seth ArensteinA new survey from PRNEWS shows the industry upbeat about the future. In the survey of 200 PR pros last month, 88 percent told us PR and communication will come back as strong if not stronger after the pandemic. Still, there’s concern for the future and diversity & inclusion content is lacking in industry messaging.

Mixed Bag: 88% Bullish on PR Returning to Size After Pandemic, but 70% Concerned about Future
June 2nd, 2020 by Seth ArensteinOur latest survey of PR pros finds uncertainty about the future is a major issue. On the other hand, nearly 90 percent believe PR will come back from the pandemic as strong as it was or stronger. Their thinking is that PR’s strategic importance has come to the fore during the pandemic.

Data Shows PR and Media Working Harder During The Pandemic
May 20th, 2020 by Seth ArensteinData provided to PRNEWS confirms what media relations pros have been feeling since the pandemic arrived–communicators are pitching more than they did prior to the novel coronavirus. Fortunately, journalists are opening more pitches than they did before the pandemic.

59% of Consumers Dismiss Corporate Pandemic Messages as ‘PR Efforts’
May 18th, 2020 by Seth ArensteinDid your brand or organization’s messaging around the novel coronavirus seem authentic to audience members? Did consumers read it or delete it? Did the sexes react to it similarly? Those were some of the questions Clyde Group asked in a recent survey of 1,000 consumers.
Health and Safety Will Remain Top of Mind Post-Pandemic
May 3rd, 2020 by Seth ArensteinA PR and marketing maxim holds that you can never know too much about members of your audience. With so much possibly changing during the pandemic, what PR pros and marketers know about their audiences… Continued
Growth in Polls and Surveys Offers PR a Vision of the New Normal
April 21st, 2020 by Seth ArensteinPRNEWS has argued often that collecting data is critical to help communicators understand their audiences. At this moment, when most things are closed or slowed significantly, it seems a new poll or survey is created every minute. This plethora of data is helping communicators get an accurate picture of the new normal.