Before the Internet, it used to be that traditional media (TV, print, radio) was the avenue PR people targeted for their pitches. But now with the predominance of Web 2.0 and nontraditional media platforms, that… Continued
Media Relations
How to Pitch Like A Pro
December 11th, 2007 by Jaime SarachitAs PR practitioners, we’re often caught in a quandary between clients and companies who want results and journalists who won’t call you back because they want you off their backs. Unless, of course, they want… Continued
Media Messaging Out of Touch with Consumers, According to New Survey
December 10th, 2007 by Iris DorbianThe way communicators dispense information is out of sync with the way consumers use media, according to Media, Myths & Realities, a comprehensive survey of media usage among consumers and communications professionals conducted by… Continued
Globalizing Your Message
December 5th, 2007 by Iris DorbianIf you’re going to be practicing PR on a global scale, it is imperative you get acquainted with how public relations is practiced in different countries. Following are some tips culled from PR Landscapes,… Continued
Getting Media Coverage at Trade Shows
November 30th, 2007 by Iris DorbianTrade shows are always a great way for your company to generate attention for possible media coverage. But the question is how do you identify the relevant publications that may want to write about your… Continued
Tip Sheet: Crafting Your Message in the Digital Media World
August 14th, 2007 by Lana ZeksterPR professionals are wise to think a bit differently about how to craft messages before sending them into the digital media, including the blogosphere, RSS feeds, chats and online social networks. Why?
The Ultimate How-To Guide: Search Engine Marketing
August 6th, 2007 by PRNEWSWeb 2.0 – that is, the collective name of the services that let people collaborate and share information online – has given birth to an ornery, brilliant, sometimes-deceitful offspring: PR 2.0.
Mapping Your Message: The Key To Telling A Media Relations Success Story
June 4th, 2007 by PRNEWSMedia relations may be the foundation on which public relations was built, but oh how times have changed. Disintermediation, increased public scrutiny, consumer-generated media, stakeholder empowerment…
How To…Build A Multimedia Press Release
March 19th, 2007 by PRNEWSIf press releases are one of the founding tenets of traditional PR, then multimedia press releases are the wave of current development.
PR Leaders Offer Hands-On Insight For Media Training Strategies
February 27th, 2006 by PRNEWSVice President Dick Cheney’s now-infamous hunting expedition and subsequent fallout has brought the importance of media training spokespeople to the forefront of the PR profession. His communications teams’ laundry list of faux pas – including… Continued