Media Relations


How to Get Journalists to Pay Attention to Your Press Release

October 27th, 2008 by

How do I make journalists pay attention to my press release? Every public relations practitioner asks this question. Most find the answer in tight, informative copy. An unhappy few attempt to find the answer in… Continued

Media Relations Damage Control: How to Prevent Your Interview From Becoming a Mess

October 27th, 2008 by

Forget the old saying about things being "beyond control." As PR professionals, you know this is a rule not to heed seriously given what you go through every day. Following are some measured steps to take with… Continued

10 Mistakes in Media Relations

October 22nd, 2008 by

There are many ways to go wrong with media, but here are are 10 major mistakes: 1. Cultivating journalists, not stories Many business leaders will point to this or that journalist as a favoured contact,… Continued

Five Ways to Identify Influential Bloggers in Your Space and Maintain Ongoing Relationships

October 20th, 2008 by

As a member of a minority group of PR pros who are on “both sides of the fence,” I get pitched often for my blog and send out pitches on behalf of my clients. It’s… Continued

Newspapers/TV Most Trusted Source of Info

October 20th, 2008 by

A new survey finds that Americans consider television and daily newspapers the most credible sources of news and information. Television was viewed as the most trusted media source, scoring a 6.6 on a one-to-10 credibility… Continued

How to Make Your Web sites Media-Friendly

October 14th, 2008 by

Take t from an experienced reporter/writer/editor, there’s nothing a media person loathes more when scrolling for information on a Web site than disorganization, unneccessary complication (i.e. too many clicks) and clutter. Just a cursory glance… Continued

Eight Tips for Pitching Radio

October 13th, 2008 by

With all the attention paid to online and print, it’s easy to forget another important channel of communication: radio. According to a recent study, an overwhelming majority (95%) of Americans still tune in on a… Continued

Call Off the Funeral: The Press Release is Alive and Well

October 13th, 2008 by

The press release is certainly not dead as some PR people may have you believe. Yes, it’s been loaded up with jargon. Weighed down with buzzwords. Scrubbed clean of any meaningful executive quotes. But, in… Continued

Six Ways to Court Bloggers

October 7th, 2008 by

For PR  professionals hoping to cultivate bloggers for media coverage, here are six invaluable tips: Take a blogger out to lunch: "If  you value the blogosphere, [it’s imcumbent upon you to do so,"] says Michael… Continued

How to Put Together a Green Marketing Media Partnership

October 6th, 2008 by

If you are a green expert or run a green business you’ll probably find the welcome mat out at most local broadcast stations. If you aren’t greeted with open arms, go to the next station.… Continued