Crisis Management


Case Study: Post-Haiti Quake, Cruise Line Turns Rough Docking Decision Criticism Into a Smooth CSR story

October 18th, 2010 by

After a wave of negative press followed Royal Caribbean’s decision return to its long-visited Haitian port just days after the massive earthquake struck the island in January, the cruise company was able to turn the course of the coverage with consistent messaging.

Working With Legal in a Crisis: How to Prevent a Clash of Strategies

October 4th, 2010 by

Mutual trust and a set of firm ground rules go a long way toward keeping PR and legal counsel on point during a crisis. Having the CEO on board with messaging doesn’t hurt, either.

Image Patrol: Target Is Anything But On, While PG&E Connects With Post-Explosion Relief Fund and Twitter Outreach

September 20th, 2010 by

For Target, saying sorry for a donation to an anti-gay politician simply wasn’t enough; PG&E, however, did enough and more after its gas line explosion in the Bay Area.

Done Right, a Crisis Postmortem Can Reanimate an Organization

August 30th, 2010 by

With all the talk about how companies act during a particular crisis, what happens after the fact? Companies post-crisis should review their actions and measure their impact to discover valuable lessons.

BP Oil Spill Response: Digital Lessons Learned

June 21st, 2010 by

Liz Mair of Hynes Communications on what BP could have done better from a digital PR perspective.

Quick Study: Public Trusts Media in Spill; Companies Socially Wary; Online Stakeholders Important; 50+ Set on Facebook

June 14th, 2010 by

â–¶ Public Trusts Media in BP Leak: According a recent survey findings by Pew Research Center, the public expresses far more trust in the news media for information about the Gulf oil leak than it… Continued

Scandalous Celebrities

June 8th, 2010 by

According to the findings of an Adweek Media/Harris Poll by Harris Interactive, almost three-quarters (74%) of Americans say when a celebrity endorser gets involved in a scandal, it doesn’t impact the way they feel about the brand or brands they endorse.

Oil Spill: Crisis Experts Reveal Key PR Gaffes

June 7th, 2010 by

As the public’s anger builds over the Gulf oil spill disaster, just who gets the blame and what should the government and BP be focusing on from a PR standpoint?

How To Deftly Manage User Content on Facebook

May 31st, 2010 by

The ability to anticipate problematic user comments and the development of a comprehensive "Rules of the Road" will help keep a Facebook crisis at bay.

Curing Leadership Lip Dislocation During a Crisis

May 17th, 2010 by

The problem of CEO lip dislocation has lately reared its ugly head; crisis guru Jim Lukaszewski reveals the symptoms and the cures for this serious malady.