If a prospective mentee approaches you, here’s how you can get the conversation going and gauge whether it’s a good fit.
How To

Tips for Creating Powerful, Pithy and Publishable Soundbites
March 17th, 2022 by Jonah BrysonDon’t underestimate how much a juicy soundbite can help your story gain attention in today’s crowded media landscape. We offer some useful soundbite tips.

Tips for Communicating Internally and Externally in a Divided Country
January 14th, 2021 by Nicole Schuman and Seth ArensteinThe questions for communicators: Do you craft messages differently, internally and externally, when you know the country is divided politically, and in other ways? In addition, do you change communication to adapt to the fact that a significant portion of the electorate believes the election was rigged, and, by extension, the true winner is not scheduled to be inaugurated next week?

Three Tips to Help Navigate Difficult PR Conversations
September 9th, 2020 by Kellie MurphyNobody enjoys having difficult conversations. Sometimes, as PR pros, we have difficult exchanges with those who pay our salary and can influence our career. Being direct, empathetic and solutions-oriented can help make such exchanges less difficult and, most important, help build trust and understanding.

Webinar Explores Tasty Ideas for Pandemic PR and Beyond
August 18th, 2020 by Seth ArensteinIt seems a good bet that many PR pros will work virtually, long after the pandemic ends. The pandemic has proven businesses can exist in a virtual setting. The concepts of remote working and limited budgets permeated today’s PRNEWS webinar, “How to do More with Less: A Holistic Approach to PR.”

Biden VP Process Practices the Art of Suspense for Good PR
August 10th, 2020 by Nicole SchumanWhile everyone waits on Biden’s VP decision, the articles and takes assessing the possible pick are piling up. The public loves a good build-up, and a growing sense of anticipation really creates some excellent public relations results. While Twitter floods with hot takes and debates, the curiosity continues to heighten.

Paying Respect to Significant Dates in History: Voting Rights Act and Hiroshima
August 6th, 2020 by Nicole SchumanToday marks an important date for not one, but two points in history. It is the 55th anniversary of former United States President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act, as well as 75 years since an atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Both of these occurrences provoke conversation as well as thoughtfulness in regards to historical context.

How to Adapt PR Strategy in the Face of COVID-19
August 3rd, 2020 by Jennifer ButlerWith all the changes the pandemic has imposed on consumers and businesses, it’s not a surprise that brand communicators have had to adapt their goals and strategies. Fortunately, the basics continue to work: monitoring the news and social media, crafting relevant messages and employing thought leadership, among other things. Being nimble and flexible also are key components.

How to Shift PR Plans to Succeed at Virtual Trade Events
August 2nd, 2020 by David WolpertNo doubt the pandemic has narrowed choices for brand communicators, especially those accustomed to decamping to Las Vegas every January for CES. With the task of creating and maintaining brand images, communicators will have to change their PR plans for all-digital events, such as CES. A CES veteran, communicator David Wolpert offers tips on how to do this successfully.

5 Tips for Creating a Thriving Remote Workplace Culture
July 30th, 2020 by Kate FinleyWorking from home may be with us long after the pandemic is gone. But how do you create a sense of culture and connection when staff is working from remote locations? Our author, who’s run a virtual PR firm for years, offers tips on how to build and maintain a corporate and team culture when employees are virtual.